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Field Hall Presents: Reckless Son
Saturday, May 3 @ 7PM | Donna M. Morris Theater
Field Hall opens @ 5:30PM 

A 60-minute solo show described as a 21st Century version of ‘On The Road’ meets ‘Folsom Prison Blues’  

Written & Performed by Matt Butler  
Directed by Richard Hoehler  

Reckless Son, written and performed by singer songwriter Matt Butler, was inspired by his journey performing over 100 concerts in jails and prisons across the country.  Through a powerful combination of spoken word and song, Reckless Son humanizes the experience of the incarcerated by giving them voice and telling their stories. Turning a compassionate eye to their lives before, during and after their time behind prison walls, the performance evokes empathy and understanding for those who are all too often considered out of sight and out of mind.  It’s a story of hope, forgiveness, and what it means to discover a deeper sense of purpose through service to others. Raising awareness, shifting perspectives, and empowering individuals to create change within their communities, Reckless Son is more than just a show, it's a calling.  

Reckless Son was developed in part by the HB Studio Artist Residency program and was workshopped in Oregon State Penitentiary, The Theater Workshop at Otisville State Prison, and the Chesterfield County Jail.

Matt Butler is a songwriter, poet and storyteller as well as the founder of Art That Serves, an organization dedicated to bringing the arts to the incarcerated.  His solo show Reckless Son tells the story of how his concert at the Albany County Jail led to over 100 performances in jails and prisons across the country.  He’s been featured on NPR Morning Edition, The Blue Grass Situation, and PBS with SPIN saying “Butler is doing something special for the American arts” after adding him to their albums and artists of the year lists.  He’s performed at events held by The David Lynch Foundation, The Columbia Center For Justice, American Folk Art Museum, National Alliance On Mental Illness (NAMI), The Caron Foundation and was an inaugural ‘Activist In Residence’ at the Kripalu Center in the Berkshires and Artist In Residence at HB Studio in Manhattan.  Along with correctional facilities, he speaks and performs at universities, high schools, and retreat centers.  His first poetry collection is titled The Sonnets Of Becoming. 

Field Arts & Events Hall, the Field Hall Gallery, and the upstairs Sunset Bar & Lounge will open at 5:30PM on May 3rd. Food and drink will be available for purchase in the Sunset Bar & Lounge prior to the start of the show and to pre-order for intermission. Theater doors will open at 6:30PM for the 7PM performance. This event is appropriate for audiences of all ages.